


A 护照 is an internationally recognized identity document that verifies your citizenship. You must present your 护照 each time you enter or leave a country. Most countries require that your expiration date be valid for at least six months beyond your return date. Be sure to apply for your 护照 or 护照 renewal far enough in advance of your departure to ensure that you receive it on time, taking into considering both 护照 processing times and visa processing, if a visa is required for your destination (see visa information below).

The information below will help guide you in the 护照 application process. Please note that the most up-to-date information is located on the 国务院 website.

应用ing for a New Passport.

Whether you are renewing a 护照 of applying for a new one, you can apply online through the U.S. 国务院. 点击此链接 网上申请.

申请新的美国护照.S. 护照 in person, you must visit a Passport Acceptance Facility. Here in 泰瑞豪特, the closest facility is the 泰瑞豪特 MPO. The usual waiting time in 泰瑞豪特 to get your 护照 is four (4) to eight (8) weeks for routine applications, and two (2) to four (4) weeks for expedited application from the 泰瑞豪特 MPO. 了解更多信息, visit them at 150 West Margaret Drive, 泰瑞豪特, IN 47802, 或致电812-231-4040.

When applying for a new 护照, you will need the following items:

  • Form DS-11 (Do NOT sign the form until asked to do so by a USPS Representative.)
  • One 2" x 2" color 护照 photo.
  • Certified birth certificate, a previous 护照, or I.N.S. Certificate of Citizenship.
  • Photocopy of a valid driver's license or government issued photo I.D. (正面和背面)
  • 两项付款要求
    • U.S. 国务院 fee (check or money order)
    • Postal 服务 processing fee (check, money order, or cash)


To renew a 护照, you are required to submit the following documents. Please note that these applications may be mailed directly to The National Passport Processing Center address listed on 表格ds - 82 without going through a Passport Acceptance Facility.

  • 表格ds - 82 (completed and signed)
  • 现在的你.S. 护照
  • Two 2''x2''护照 photos

了解更多信息 on renewing a 护照 visit the 国务院 website.


点击 在这里 for the most current 护照 fees.


视国家而定, 节目长度, 以及程序的类型, you may be required to obtain a visa for your international experience prior to departure. A visa is a stamp or document that is usually placed in your 护照 which authorizes you to ask for entry into a country at the country’s border—usually leading to a “yes” response. Each country sets its own visa requirements, and the requirements are frequently updated and changed.

If a visa is necessary for your education abroad program, your program coordinator will likely advise you on the visa requirements and application process and provide any necessary documentation of your acceptance for the visa application. In some cases, you may need to acquire the visa on your own. The most accurate and reliable country-specific information on visa requirements for U.S. citizens can be found on the U.S. 国务院 website. If, after reviewing the entry/exit requirements, you find that you will need a visa for your education abroad program, visit the website of the embassy or 领事馆 of the country to which you will be traveling to determine what kind of visa you will need and how to apply. If you have trouble finding the information or if the information is confusing, email or call the embassy or 领事馆 for clarification.

Be sure to apply for your visa in a timely manner. Visa processing times vary depending upon the country, 领事馆, 一年中的时间, 以及所需的签证类型. If you are required to travel to the 领事馆 or embassy to obtain your visa or multiple visas are required for your program, consider using a visa processing service. Consult with your program provider for recommendations.